Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday Update w/ Weights and Measures (1st ed)

Starting Stats:

Smallest part of waist: 37"
Biggest part of belly (around belly button): 41"
Hips: 44.5"
Bust: 43"
Chest: 38"
Right Thigh (at largest part): 25.5"
Right Upper Arm (at largest part): 12.75"
Total inches: 241.75"

Weight: 206.4


SPW: 36.5" (-.5")
BPB: 39" (-2") (WOOOOHOOO!!!)
Hips: 44.5" (no loss but that might be good maybe I am building a booty yay!!)
Bust: 44" (I did this one twice to make sure I don't know how they got bigger)
Chest: 38" (it's all rib cage I am not sure how much it will really change)
Rght Thigh: 25" (-.5")
Rght Arm: 12.5" (-.25")

Weight: 205.4

I was pretty stoked/ suprised by the results considering it wasn't a full week and the last couple days I have been way over on calories I can't wait to see how things go next week!! The excitement of learning and doing better each day and week is exciting.


  1. Yay sister!!!! It's that 'project poolside'- and you need the calories to burn, so the extra is probably ok since you're working out almost everyday now! I'm still feelin' the burn from saturday's class! Good work! keep it up!

  2. AHHH... trying to figure out how to "comment" ... ugh. HAHA! Way to goooo!! I also like how you show "Best thing of the day" and "Things to improve". Keep up the good work.

  3. Thanks ladies keep comming back I try to post daily if you have google you can read my posts via "reader" when you check your gmail.
